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Uses of Faraday Bags

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Technology keeps advancing day by day, automating processes and procedures. The list of these automated processes keeps advancing by the day. At the same time, risks keep growing. From remote hacks to virus attacks, there are so many of these risks. Good news is, the same technology provides a solution to these risks. Most of the electronic gadgets people use today are prone to attacks from all corners. Faraday Bags at have been used to block any signals from getting to electronic gadgets like laptops, smartphones, etc. therefore protecting the user’s data. In summary, Faraday Bags provides the much needed data integrity.

Here is a question that most people may ask. Do I need a Faraday Bag?

The answer is yes. We walk around with devices that connect to wireless signals, allowing hackers to hack into our devices and have access to private data. You, therefore, need to feel safe and protect your data as in one way or another, you will need to connect to the wireless signals around. The worst case is, no one knows when the hacker will attack, and thus there is no much that can be done once attacked. Using a Faraday Bag will, therefore, keep your gadgets and your data safe.

Not only the gadgets people carry around, but hackers also get to the offices too. Your bio-metric access card can be hacked to provide access to your office. Your business information and data need to be protected as well. Remember that the same data if accessed by unauthorised people can be used against your business by your competitors, or used to bring your business down. A Faraday Bag is, therefore, an essential item in protecting such access cards. Not only door access cards, credit cards, and debit cards can also be hacked when exposed. The chip contained in these cards is prone to remote access if not protected. Imagine waking up to news from your bank that your account has been hacked and your lifetime savings are withdrawn! The news is devastating, to say the least, thus, the need to have your credit and debit cards protected against any access via Bluetooth, wireless, etc. For more facts about tech, visit this website at

Car keys technology has also advanced. Today, most cars are using key-less car keys. As much as it is h-tech and preferred by many, it also prone to frequent hacks if not protected. The key-less technology of opening and starting car engine can be hacked remotely and in the event, someone can easily get control of your car. A Faraday bag at can be used to protect your car keys and ensure the safety of your car.